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Denmead Junior School

Denmead Junior School

Be Kind, Be Brave, Be You

Pupil Voice

At Denmead Junior School, we believe that in order for our children to feel safe and have a sense of belonging, listening to their views and recommendations is very important.  

We have a variety of pupil voice groups that children can apply for in our school. Children who are successful gain a place in one of the groups, have regular meetings with a member of SLT and wear a lanyard so they are recognisable to all.  

Our groups are as follows: 


Eco Team Warriors:

Our Eco Warriors promote ways to make our school more sustainable and encourage everyone to be more mindful of our world. The Eco Warriors are considerate of the environment and come up with ingenious ideas to help save the planet! 

The role of an Eco Warrior includes:  

  • Being a good role model by turning off lights, reducing water waste and picking up litter  

  • Leading assemblies to educate other children about recycling and reducing 

  • Meeting with Mrs Tomkins and Mr Marks to monitor energy use and plan ways to save electricity 

  • Helping to look after and protect plants and wildlife  


Sports Leaders:

Our Sports Captains help promote and lead our Lunchtime Zones.  

The role of a Sports Captain includes:  

  • Setting up and running activities during lunch times 

  • Setting up and organising competitions within our school half-termly 

  • Being a good role model during PE and lunch times 

  • Offering support to staff and children during Sports Day 

  • Helping to organise and tidy the sports cupboard 

  • Leading ‘Active and Healthy’ assemblies with Mrs Tomkins 

  • Recognising children who are being active and healthy  

  • Be involved in half-termly meetings to discuss sport and physical activity within the school 


JRSO’s (Junior Road Safety Officers):  

JRSOs are a very important part of our school as they help raise road safety awareness and promote road safety issues to everyone in the school and the wider community. Here are just some of the activities JRSOs can get involved in: 

• Talk at assemblies and to classes on road safety topics 

• Run competitions in the school, get prizes for the winners and hand out certificates 

• Use the website 

• Help to organise road safety day across the school. 

• Write letters 

• Get involved in organising safe and active travel activities. 


School Council: 

Every year we invite the children to stand for school council elections. We believe it is important to give children leadership opportunities and this provides a meaningful way for them to voice their opinions, have discussions, listen to others, reach agreements and make decisions. 

Every class is represented by two council members and a Chair and Vice Chair are also elected.  The group meets weekly to plan events like their termly Film Nights and to discuss the issues that matter to them within school. The process also teaches them about democracy, community participation and accountability. We have even been able to meet our local MP and visit the Houses of Parliament!  


School Librarians: 

Our school librarians work with our school librarian to keep our library well organised and well-stocked with the latest children’s books. They recommend reads to children across the school and help to plan and host reading events.  


House Captains:  

Our Year 6 house captains apply and are interviewed for their roles and are representatives of our school values. We require them to: 

  • Be excellent role models who exemplify our school values. 

  • Lead on whole school House Team days, supporting other children 

  • Lead an important role in hosting community events (coffee mornings, parent events, sleepovers and camp outs etc.) 

  • Listen to others and be the voice for the children within your house and communicate effectively with adults 

  • Ensure your allocated class show the school values at all times 


EARA (Equality and Rights Advocates) group: 

Our EARA group works with other local schools to promote and develop an inclusive ethos for the school; this is shared through assemblies and whole school events.  

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