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Denmead Junior School

Denmead Junior School

Be Kind, Be Brave, Be You

Working With You

We value the relationship that we build with you during your child’s time with us at Denmead Junior School and we know they will make the best progress when we work together. In this section you will find information about procedures and what to expect when your child starts because we appreciate for some children (and their parents and carers!) the move from Infant to Junior School can feel like a big jump.


Transition to Junior School:

By the end of Year 2, their independence and confidence will have grown but rest assured, we have a well-developed programme of events to ease their move into Year 3. This includes visits to their Year 2 classes by DJS teachers and a programme of trips to the junior school in June and July.  These include: working with their new buddies; experiencing snack time and lunch time; explore the site and meeting and working with their new teachers. With these events year 2 children get a real feel for life here before they even start.

If your child is joining from a different infant school we will put together a tailored programme for them fitting in wherever possible with the above events.

There will be lots of new things of course, for example, every year we mix the children up, to encourage a broad range of friendships, but they will find the essence of school the same: registration times, lesson times and playtimes (which are the same throughout the school so they are still able to play with old friends and new at break and lunch times). 



Another element to a successful partnership is communication and we encourage you to keep up to date with news and events here on our website and on our Facebook page. When your child starts school, please ensure you sign up to the SCOPAY email and text service to make sure you don’t miss out key messages and copies of letters issued by the school office.  

We hold formal parents’ evenings through the year to keep you informed of your child’s progress and detailed end of year reports are issued in July, but please don’t wait for these events to speak to us if you wish to discuss anything. Class teachers come out onto the playground with the children at the end of the day, which is an opportunity for a quick word. If you wish to arrange a longer appointment, it is best to request this via the office in the mornings.


Home learning:

Children are expected to read daily and practice other key skills on a regular basis. Details of these will be sent to you but include spellings, times table practice and additional pieces that give children a choice of different ways to reflect their independent learning – for example  art or model making, music, performance or presentation. Please refer to the Our Learning pages for further details of the upper and lower school’s home learning.



The school uses an online payment system called SCOPAY that allows you to pay for school dinners, school trips, music tuition and school uniform. You will receive a letter with a personal link code to register with the system. We also use this system to email you notifications and to offer online parents’ evening appointments.

If you do not have access to the Internet we will accept payments via cheque or cash directly through the office. Payments for dinners should be sent ahead in an envelope with your child’s name and class.

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